Communication is one of the most important aspects of 3D printing. Much of the communication we go through on a daily basis is done through speaking, but physical aspects of communication can never be overlooked.
Mitch, one of my cofounders, often tells a story of how the communication aspect of 3D printing helped him become a project manager during an earlier part of his career. He wrote a 10 page product proposal and submitted it to his boss. Weeks went by with no progress.
One day he walked into his boss’ office with a 3D printed prototype, and his boss immediately took interest. Mitch was brought in front of the CEO and CTO of the company, and the project was given the green light by the end of the week.
Without 3D printing, the concept would not have been effectively communicated – which brings us to the next bridge. Expanding on this communication to hit an even broader group of concepts and ideas.
As you can see in the picture above, colour adds a new dimension to the communication of 3D printers. Concepts that before could only be represented by geometries, can now be created in a way that is visually closer to the way the object would be created in real life.
By representing objects in this way, we’re able to more clearly communicate the point we’re trying to get across. To illustrate this point, its helpful to draw in an example from outside the 3D printing world….. an example from a vacuum company.
Credits: All content taken from www.3dprinting.com